Online Ordering System
Use a dedicated Online Ordering System where customers can enter their orders directly
to avoid inefficiency like orders being missed, incomplete details, etc.
Dedicated Online Ordering System
- Handle sales orders or outsourced production orders online with partners like branches, outsourced manufacturers, etc.
- Process the order through the mobile app using your mobile devices.
- A notification can be sent to the person in charge when an order is entered into the ordering system.
- Customer inputs the order through the Online Ordering System.
- The order automatically enters the ERP and sends a notification to the person in charge.
- The person in charge checks the order and proceeds with sales.
Optimize the system environment for each customer
Set the menu to be used
Each customers can have different menu settings of the ordering site.
Access authorization by customer
Set which items, locations(branch), each customer can get access to and restrict the access time.
Unlimited number of IDs
There is no limit to the number of IDs, provide ID to each of the customers.
Easily send the purchase order
through ECOUNT
- The purchase order inputted through the ERP will automatically be
reflected in the Online Ordering System. - Check the purchase order details instantly in the Online Ordering System.

Solve inventory
discrepancy issues with
the outsourcing factory
- Job orders inputted in the ERP can be seen
real-time at the outsourcing factory. - All receiving and releasing transactions like
sending materials to the outsourcing company
or receiving the manufactured goods can also
be viewed by the outsourcing company when
they login to the ordering system.