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BOM(Bill of Material) ECOUNT's production management program can automatically calculate
the quantity of raw/sub materials required for production based on the BOM(Bill of Material).

Management of
production increase and
decrease using BOM

  • Compose the number of raw/sub material required
    to produce through the BOM.
  • The type and quantity of the raw/sub materials used
    in the production is based on the BOM.
  • There is no need to manage the production
    increase and decrease separately, as it is reflected
    instantly when entering the goods receipt.
Management of production increase and decrease using BOM Management of production increase and decrease using BOM

Apply the company's BOM system

  • Register multiple processes according to the company's production flow.
  • Compose the BOM with various units like EA, SET, KG, etc.
  • Easily upload the BOM data in bulk using the Excel uploader.
Apply the company's BOM system

Smooth ordering of raw/sub materials
without disruption to the production schedule

  • Predict the quantity of raw/sub materials needed for production in advance based on the BOM.
  • Calculate the quantity of raw/sub materials to be used in advance and reflect in the ordering process.
Smooth ordering of raw/sub materials without disruption to the production schedule Smooth ordering of raw/sub materials without disruption to the production schedule

Comparison of BOM-based consumption and
actual consumption at a glance

  • Apply the actual quantity of raw/sub materials consumed when inputting the production.
  • Check the difference between the set BOM and the actual raw/sub materials used.
  • Compare the cost based on actual consumption with the BOM-based cost.
Comparison of BOM-based consumption and actual consupmtion at a glance