Price Management
ECOUNT provides a variety of price management method
which allows you to apply the price easily at certain situations.
Manage various item information
- Register up to 10 additional price detail aside from the basic price.
- Choose among the registered price when entering the transaction.
- Bulk upload the price information of each item using the Excel uploader.

Final price that was used in
the recent transaction is
automatically applied
- The price that was used in the previous transaction can
be imported to the slip that is currently being entered. - This is a feature that applies the price that was used
during the last transaction with the same
customer/vendor and item. - Industries where price fluctuates frequently, can
manage the price more easily.

Apply discount rate by customer/vendor
Discount rate by customer/vendorApply different discount rate on the price for each customer/vendor.
Apply discount at the point of salesApply discount rate on the input screen.
View the history of the price at a glance
- Instantly view the recent sales/purchase transaction when inputting a new transaction.
- Check the changes in the price when item is received and released.
- Apply the price in to the slip right away.

Automatic notification on price changes
- Receive a notification of the price change details that fits the condition in a report format.
- Instantly respond without missing any issues and not having to check each of the transaction price details.