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To Make Purchases Easier

Why You Need a Material Management System

The general flow of purchasing consists of receiving purchase request internally, requesting quotations to external vendors,
selecting the appropriate price, placing a purchase order, and making actual purchase.
If all these steps can be managed in a seamless flow, not only you can check the progress status easily, you can also avoid duplicate work over a same purchase.

With ECOUNT, you can easily manage your purchases.

Required P/O quantities are automatically calculated.

Unnecessary purchases can cause excessive inventory in the warehouse.
Failure to purchase in a timely manner can lead to inventory shortage leading to disruption in sales and production.
With ECOUNT, you can automatically calculate purchase order quantity based on expected receipt qty., expected release qty., safety stock, and current qty. on hand, helping to maintain an adequate stock qty.

All orders and purchases can be checked easily.

All orders and purchases are immediately reflected in the reports.
The reflected details can be checked by item/delivery date through various reports. The details of orders and purchases over a period of time can also be easily identified.

The outstanding payments are managed automatically.

The purchase amount will be automatically reflected as outstanding amount.
You can check the outstanding amount by vendor or period at a glance and email the report directly to each vendor,
making it easy to manage purchase and payment details.
In addition, you can create payment history directly in the screen where you create the purchase history, which reduces unnecessary movement within the program.

The ability to link multiple tasks makes it easier to work.

Employees can enter in their desired purchase order details.
The PIC of purchasing checks the requested order and asks the estimates to vendors.
If the vendors enter the unit price directly in the email, you can check the price from each vendor in ECOUNT and choose the optimal unit price.
The selected unit prices can be directly applied to purchase orders, and the order details can be imported to proceed with the purchase.
As such, ECOUNT interlinks works to one another, making it easier to process your purchases.

To make purchasing management easier

Sales order and job order details make it easier to place an order.

When an operation instruction is imported from an order, the raw/sub material required for the product is applied as it is.
The same applies if you place an order based on the order details.
When entering your purchase order and purchase, you can recall the sales order details as they are.
All you have to do is retrieve the details that have already been created, so you can avoid unnecessary duplication.

Check the inventory in real time.

You can check your inventory on your PC and mobile if you simply have access to the Internet.
To change inventory, you can receive notifications from PCs and mobile devices to prevent omission of work.
You can check your inventory immediately when you need it, so it helps with the purchasing work that fits with your current inventory.