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Data Backup & Restoration

ECOUNT ERP takes data security and maintenance very seriously. Client data is stored at a data center that receives regular backups, stored on multiple servers, and prepared for severe weather conditions.

Client Backups

Client data is backed up on a regular basis. All data is stored on three different servers and backed up daily.
Daily backups allows for version control and security.

User Backups

In addition to the ECOUNT backups, we encourage our clients to regularly export their data. This acts as another backup and for personal records.

Data Restoration

The system is set up so it is difficult to accidentally delete information. If the information is deleted, it will still appear but with a status of “Deleted.” Therefore, if something was inadvertently deleted, the data can be copied and restored. In the event that data is maliciously deleted, ECOUNT will work with clients in a case-by-case basis to restore the data in a timely manner.